Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Thank you, Sir Ken.

I've learned that confidence equals happiness. And confidence does not mean ego, or being the best at what you do.  It means finding a sphere of influence where your traits and qualities uniquely contribute to the greater good of a cause.  And being satisfied with your place in that sphere.  Confidence means being YOUR best and being fully satisfied with whatever that is.

Below is a fabulous 20 minute nugget of knowledge.  Sir Ken Robinson makes a statement about creativity and challenges why our world doesn't encourage more of it. 

"Far more good would come from a society of impassioned citizens, confident in themselves and their abilities, than the current status quo: a modern day workforce of dissatisfied and aimless citizenry who often don't know what is missing from their lives but keenly aware that something definitely is."


1 comment:

Brendon said...

Inspiring stuff. I was lucky to be one of the science and math kids and fit into our narrow educational plan. But even with optimism, our public school system is a hard thing to change.