Tuesday, April 21, 2009

They are my friends, so they are my friends in basketball.

The more I am exposed to the workings of a large corporation, the more I realize how much power lies in the hands of so few people. Someday, I hope, that one or a few people in power will get it. That everyone is the same, they just have different experiences.

Such are the experiences of the two main groups of people living in the Holy Land. Different. Israelis and Palestinians are neighbors, but they have very shaded and gray views of each other, making a resolution to the violence they live in seem a long way off. The 1300 Palestinians killed in the January Gaza offensive is appalling, horrendous, discouraging and offers little hope to the problem. But this growing project does.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Click here and listen to the song "Chinup."  Then think about summer.  Summer when you were in maybe 5th or 6th grade.  The age when you're independent enough to ride your bike to your friend's house but young enough to not be bothered by the opposite sex.  Summer was all about hanging out with just the girls.  Or just the boys.  Having sleepovers that lasted an entire week. Or an entire month, moving from house to house like transients.  But LOVING every second of it.  Being outside as much as humanly possible, dreaming big, laughing at EVERYTHING. Finding adventure in the backyard or even more adventure in the neighbor's backyard. Spending all day at the beach and then falling asleep with sand in your ears.  Popsicles, running through sprinklers and selling lemonade.  Coming inside only to eat lunch.  Getting sunburned, and then tan.  Swimming for hours.  Laughing for hours.  Bug hunting.  Sleeping outside on the trampoline.  Soaking up the sun.

Here's to summer.  And not the working summer where you get a couple extra Fridays off. Here's to summer where you did nothing because you have to and everything because you want to. 

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Cantata

On Saturday evening, I watched my cousin Danny perform in an Easter cantata.  Below is a video of him singing in the choir.  Great job Danny.  

And speaking of cousins.  The other day I heard of a person who did not even recognize his cousin's name when he heard it and that took me by surprise.  I'd like to thank my parents and their siblings for making sure their children all have close relationships.  For me, cousins are like brothers and sisters.

Danny and I were buddies when we were kids, as seen in this photo: 
And we're still buddies now.  We had a chance to chat a little after the performance and as we were about to leave, we hugged and said goodbye.  As we were hugging he said, "Love you."  And he meant it.  "Love you too," I said back.  

Danny, I hope this doesn't embarrass you.  But thank you for being a great cousin.

Also, this is me and my roommate KaRyn.  Our outfits don't look very "spring"-y, but our shoes do.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Abalone Cove

Views from the weekend...

We had to do a little hiking through the waves so I left my camera, but thanks to online photo galleries, I can have a record of my sunny and marine-life-filled Saturday.